Carving Categories
Carving in the Round
Relief Carving
In Memory
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Carver: Fred Henton
Title: Wolf Tarantula
Wood: White Pine (legs), Bass wood (body), Alder (bugs)
Other material: Horse Hair (Hair on legs)
Carver: Fred Henton
Title: Wolf Tarantula
Wood: White Pine (legs), Bass wood (body), Alder (bugs)
Other material: Horse Hair (Hair on legs)
Carver: Fred Henton
Title: Wolf Tarantula
Wood: White Pine (legs), Bass wood (body), Alder (bugs)
Other material: Horse Hair (Hair on legs)
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Driftwood
Dimension: 11”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Driftwood
Dimension: 12”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: John Burwash
Title: Northern Flicker - Red Shafted, Male
Wood: Yellow Cedar
Dimension: Life Size
Finish: Acrylic
Carver: John Burwash
Title: Northern Flicker - Red Shafted, Male
Wood: Yellow Cedar
Dimension: Life Size
Finish: Acrylic
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Driftwood
Dimension: 11”
Finish: Mixed Oils
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Driftwood
Dimension: 13” long
Finish: Mixed Oils
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Artist’s likeness :)
Material: Brazilian Soapstone
Dimension: 9” tall
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Oak
Dimension: 8”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Cute Little Bowl
Wood: Burl
Dimension: 4”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Burl
Dimension: 9” x6”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Oak
Dimension: 8 1/2”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Maple Burl
Dimension: 8” long
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Driftwood Burl
Dimension: 10”x 8”
Finish: Tung oil, sunflower oil, watco oil mix
Carver: Larry Shable and Joe Booth
Category: Turnings
Title: Interesting Bowl
Wood: Spalted something
Dimension: 7” across
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Driftwood
Dimension: 14”
Finish: Mixed Oils
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Driftwood
Dimension: 12”
Finish: Mixed Oils
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Driftwood
Dimension: 12”
Finish: Mixed Oils
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Nut dish
Wood: Driftwood
Dimension: 8”
Finish: Mixed Oils
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Whale of a Tail
Wood: Soapstone
Dimension: 8”x7”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Whale Tail
Wood: Brazilian Soapstone
Dimension: 6”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Offset Turned Tea Light Holder
Wood: Brazilian Soapstone
Dimension: 2.5”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Another Bowl
Wood: Spalted Something
Dimension: 3x7
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Haida Style Killer Whale Dorsal Fin
Wood: Jade
Dimension: 47 mm
Finish: Elbow Grease
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Covid Project
Wood: Soapstone
Dimension: 4”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Covid Project
Wood: Soapstone
Dimension: 4”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Trevor Dawley
Title: Bear Face on Lid and Eagle Face on Front
Wood: Yellow Cedar & Black Walnut
Dimension: 12”x 10” x 7”
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Whale of a Tail
Wood: Soapstone
Dimension: 8”x7”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Another Spoon
Wood: Burl
Dimension: 12”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Spoon
Dimension: 16”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Spoon
Dimension: 14”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Spoon
Wood: Maple
Dimension: 18”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Garry Dewar
Title: Ruffed Grouse Male
Wood: Tupelo
Carver: Marcella O”Black
Title: Classic Gargoyle
Wood: Basswood
Dimension: 7 inches
Finish: Whitewash with a Coating of Polyurethane
Carver: John Burwash
Title: Heron, Stylized
Wood: Yew, Red Cedar Base Cattails in Cherry
Dimension: 7 x 5 x 11 inches
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Vern Black
Title: Northern Pygmy Owl
Wood: Tupelo
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Jacquie Bullock
Title: Baby Elephant
Wood: Basswood
Dimension: 5.25”x 4.5”
Finish: Natural
Carver: Dennis Yanko
Title: Billy Bob
Wood: Bass Wood
Dimension: 9”x4”
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Sharon Hubbard
Title: Brant Goose Smoothie in my pond
Wood: Fir
Dimension: 16”x 5”x 8”
Finish: Antique Satin Varathane
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: European Blue Tits Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Barry Saunders
Title: Northern (Common) Loon - STAGE 1
Wood: Yellow Cedar
Dimension: 50% Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Barry Saunders
Title: Northern (Common) Loon - STAGE 2
Wood: Yellow Cedar
Dimension: 50% Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Barry Saunders
Title: Northern (Common) Loon - STAGE 3
Wood: Yellow Cedar
Dimension: 50% Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Barry Saunders
Title: Northern (Common) Loon - STAGE 4
Wood: Yellow Cedar
Dimension: 50% Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Barry Saunders
Title: Northern (Common) Loon - COMPLETED
Wood: Yellow Cedar
Dimension: 50% Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Trevor Dawley
Title: Lost Feather
Wood: Lacewood, twisted root from shoreline
Dimension: 14” high
Finish: Clear Lacquer
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Carved Bowl
Wood: Burl
Dimension: 7” across
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Garry Dewar
Title: Wood Duck
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Full Size
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Down Under – Australian Wren on Eucalyptus Branch Termite Hilltop
Wood: Tupelo. Branch Brass & Copper
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Jacquie Bullock
Title: Brown bear
Wood: Basswood
Dimension: 5.5” x 3.75”
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: John Burwash
Title: Ring-Neck Hen decorative
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Full size
Finish: Acrylics (eventually)
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Defending the Realm
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Vern Black
Title: Lesser Yellowlegs
Wood: Tupelo
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Funky Spoon
Wood: Found Wood
Dimension: 7”
Finish: Tung Oil & Lemon Oil
Carver: Garry Dewar
Title: Male Screech Owl
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Full Size
Carver: Dennis Yanko
Title: Griff
Wood: Polished Green Ebony
Dimension: 2”
Carver: Garry Dewar
Title: Canvasback Duck
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Full Size
Carver: Olaf Karinski
Title: Prairie Falcons
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: 1/3 Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Carved Bowl
Wood: Burl
Dimension: 7”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Paul Tellier
Title: Launch
Wood: Bass
Width : 22 inches
Height : 14 inches [not including the stand]
Beak tip to tip of tail: 17 inches
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Paul Tellier
Title: Launch
Wood: Bass
Width : 22 inches
Height : 14 inches [not including the stand]
Beak tip to tip of tail: 17 inches
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Black Capped Chickadee Family on Apple Blossoms
Wood: Tupelo with Brass & Copper Foil & Wire
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Nuthatch on Evergreen Branch
Wood: Tupelo, Brass & Copper Wire
Dimension: Life Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Garry Dewar
Title: Road Runner
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Full Size
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Cedar Waxwing on a Rose Bush in Winter
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: John Burwash
Title: Atlantic Puffin
Wood: Yellow Cedar
Dimension: Full Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Vern Black
Title: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Wood: Tupelo
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Jacquie Bullock
Title: River Otter
Wood: Basswood
Dimension: 2.5” x 8.5”
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Garry Dewar
Title: Female Mallard
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Full Size
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Courtship - House Wrens for a mirror frame ornament
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Funky Spoon
Wood: Driftwood
Dimension: 13”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: House Sparrow, SPRING
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: House Sparrow, SUMMER
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: House Sparrow, FALL
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrlics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: House Sparrow, WINTER
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Carved Bowl
Wood: Burl
Dimension: 13”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Moment in Time
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: African Wood Owl
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Half Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: “DANGER” Blue Jay Family
Wood: Single piece of Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: “WINTER TIME” Blue Jay Family
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Chickadee in Flight
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Love Birds
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Nuthatch
Wood: Bass Wood & Birch Trunk
Dimension: Live Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: A Bird in the Hand
Wood: Yard Waste
Dimension: 17”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: European Robin
Wood: Bass
Dimension: Life Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Barn Swallow
Wood: Tupelo, barbwire, leaves are copper & brass
Dimension: Life Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski Title: Hummingbird Wood: Tupelo Dimension: Life Size Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: Blue Tit on Grass Stalk
Wood: Tupelo, Copper & Brass
Dimension: Full Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Olaf Karbinski
Title: European Kingfisher
Wood: Tupelo, Copper & Brass
Dimension: Full Size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: John Burwash
Title: Ringed-neck Duck Hen
Wood: Tupelo
Dimension: Full size
Finish: Acrylics
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Haida Style Killer Whale Dorsal Fin
Wood: Brazilian Soapstone
Dimension: 10” x 10”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Sharon Hubbard
Title: Owl
Wood: Soapstone
Dimension: 6” x 8”
Carver: Bob Baird
Title: Antique (100 yrs) restored
Wood: Mahogany
Dimension: 30”x30”
Finish: Tung Oil (14 thin layers)
Carver: Bob Baird
Title: Antique (100 yrs) restored
Wood: Mahogany
Dimension: 30”x30”
Finish: Tung Oil (14 thin layers)
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Abstract Waterfall
Wood: Soapstone
Dimension: 8”x7”
Finish: Tung Oil
Carver: Larry Shable
Title: Egg with a Hole
Wood: Soapstone
Dimension: 5” high
Finish: Tung Oil
Carving Categories
Carving in the Round
Relief Carving
In Memory
Contact Us